Download and install The Room Old Sins APK to solve a series of puzzles that will lead the scientist out of the trapped room. This game incorporates a lot of unique puzzles.
Description of The Room
The room offers an experience of real puzzle-solving in a completely special manner. To play this game, you will try to collect items and clues to move forward in the game, including the plot. While at the same time, you will use several objects again to solve puzzles. You also have to check the box to discover the problem point. The Room has been moderated to work on new devices and now comes with a great visual experience.
Most people wrongly consider The Room a mysterious and fascinating puzzle game in 3D. But, of course, this is more than that, but if you don't believe it, this game is probably not for you.
This game was released for the first time on iOS in 2012. Still, because it is highly successful, Fireproof Games introduced it to Android gamers, including Nintendo Switch and Microsoft Windows. After all, The Room gained several awards and established itself as an excellent physics puzzle game.
The Plot
There is a story behind The Room; it tells of a strange scientist trying to discover the items in the room of a strange house. But he could not leave the house, so he remained in the night with fear. As soon as you participate in this game, you will see a box containing riddles you need to find answers to, including letters that tell discreet stories.
A Strange Box
At the beginning of the game, you will notice a certain box that appears in a gloomy place, and the box stands out of this place. The first of your goal while playing this game is to begin exploring the box. The detailed design of this strange box is one of the unique qualities of this game. With the box, you will come across several mechanisms you can relate to.
You will not only see one side of the box. The design is in 3D graphics, so you can rotate the box and explore other sides of it. Have it in the back of your mind that you will encounter several puzzles about the box, and this is when the items you receive will come in handy, for you will use some of them to solve the puzzles. Also, you don't have to give yourself too much worry concerning moving to collect the items. The most important things are already around the box, and you must use these items to open the box.
The Gameplay
Before you consider how you will get out of this strange room, you will receive some information from the system, especially the guide about how you control your navigation. It turns out that there is a kind of special puzzle mechanism in the room. You will need to search for items in this environment where you are stuck; these items you search for are what will help you escape the room when the horror begins to manifest itself.
Generally, there is a story behind the game, but while you are still trying to solve the puzzle, you will not have access to any information. This indicates that whatever item or information you come across, you need to remember it to complete your mission.
At first, you may spend time just roaming around a room aimlessly and trying to determine how you can get yourself out of it. Then you will probably find a small clue that the box in the closet could be unlocked. Then, if you are lucky, you will come across a few suggestions that will eventually lead you out of the room into another.
You need to understand that The Room is not a game for people who are not patient. Any small clue could only provide just a little information. Although the developers, Fireproof Games, do not give off anything concerning the plot's outcome, they still found a way to indicate that all the clues you need can be found in the room. You can locate the clues and establish what the unlucky scientist has been trying to unravel for a long time.
Discover the Null Element
The room's story appears in letters you come across when trying to unravel the box's mystery. This letter could have been written by another character who had previously discovered the box. Over time, you will begin to gather details and compare their usefulness; therefore, do not consider anything you find or discover insignificant. One of those elements is the Null element.
This Null element is considered the fifth element. You must fully explore this element, but the properties are invisible to the eye. Therefore, you will need to search for another item to help you view this element, which will ultimately help you solve the puzzle.
Continue Trying
In this kind of game, it is very easy for players to give up on their quest. But you have to continue forging on. When you solve a puzzle, you will go deeper into the story and encounter more challenges. At the back of each case is another box – although the puzzle becomes shorter this time, you might feel that you don't have enough information to go on. However, do not conclude hastily; you must think deeper to get it. Also, consider the items and clues you have gathered; you may have to ask yourself if they can help unravel the mystery of the level you are in.
Identifying New Ideas
The Room has interesting and creative puzzles. None of the puzzles is rigid or boring, and there is no repeated puzzle whatsoever – every puzzle is new and unique since each idea is constantly changed.
In some cases, you might have to search for a key that will assist you in opening a strange box in the glass case to identify what they possess.
When you discover something, your joy, curiosity, and fear will be worth it in the experience that this game brings. There is a reason why The Game has been downloaded millions of times worldwide and has a rating of 4.8/5.
Download and install The Room Old Sins APK to solve a series of puzzles that will lead the scientist out of the trapped room. This game incorporates a lot of unique puzzles.