Download and install From Zero to Hero APK to play as an unemployed guy without money, a job, or a home. This game offers players the chance to achieve their dreams.
This life simulation game gives the player the chance to start their career as an unemployed person without money, a home, or anyone to help them. The major aim of this game is for you to climb from nothing to something – hence the title; it is based on the theme of grass to grace. So, how high are you willing to climb on the ladder of success in this game?
As a person without money or a home, the first thing you need to do is to find a way you can earn money. And from earning money, you can build a home for yourself. But how do you earn money? People would not just give you money from the kindness of their hearts, of course. So you need to first get a job. And you can only get a job if you have a needed skill. So you have to look within yourself for the right skill.
Then from there, you can climb the corporate ladder. At this point, you have made a few earnings and are much more comfortable than your initial position of joblessness. Now you can trade in the stock market. Here, you must know what to trade and how t trade lest you lose your money significantly and have to start again. You can also win money at the casino; you can build houses and buy cars and plans with your winnings. You must attain the highest height. Time is not your friend, however, for you are getting old as you struggle to make it. You must attain the highest height by becoming the president before you die of old age.
The Journey of Life
The following are the thing expected of you in the game:
Begin Your Life as a Guy with No Money, Job, or Home: At the beginning of the game, this is how you will begin your life. The clothes on your back will be torn, and you will be sleeping in subway stations because you have no home and wander around since there is no job for you. People will avoid you on the streets because of your unkempt appearance. Some will think that you have gone mad.
Find Money to Feed Yourself: Food is the most important thing before home or job. Therefore, you must find a way to feed yourself or die of hunger. You may begin by begging for money. Kind people might drop a few coins at your feet if you are lucky.
Purchase Some Nice Clothes and Get Your First Room: With the money you make from begging or from working for other people, you will be able to feed yourself. When some more remains, you can proceed to buy yourself some nice clothes and improve your appearance. You can also get your first room in the dormitory. At this stage, you are no longer a vagrant anymore. But you are not out of danger yet. So you need to continue pushing on.
Enroll Yourself in a University: This is where you need to understand the value of education. By getting educated, you will open more job opportunities for you where you will have the chance to make a lot more money upon your graduation. Now your life is beginning to form.
Make Stock Trades: When you have made a significant amount of money, you must find a way to make even more money quickly. The only way you can make such a fast income is by trading in the stock market. Many people have become extremely wealthy through trading in the stock market, and you can also be wealthy. However, you need to be careful. You must have a good understanding of how such trade works before you venture into it. As it is easy to make a shitload of money from trading, it is also easy to lose all your money to wrong trades. Therefore, you have to be extremely careful.
Get Married and Raise a Family: Having just the money alone is not enough. At a point in life, you must address your love life. Every man desires a partner. Therefore, to continue climbing your ladder of success, you should find a girlfriend for yourself with whom you can build a large and happy family. A family man is often a happier man. With your family, you won’t be lonely any more – and you will have a responsibility to protect and take good care of this family of yours.
Visit the Hospital, Treat Your Body, and Visit Resorts: Health is wealth. If you have all the money in the world and you don’t have good health, then your wealth is as good as useless. This is why you need to constantly go to the hospital and run tests on your body. If you have any ailment, ensure that you get it treated by the most competent doctors. The only thing that can stop your journey is terrible health.
Go, Bowling, Play Pool, and Watch Live Music Performances: A man deserves some fun and happiness in his life. So you should create time to enjoy yourself and have fun. Play outdoor games and meet new people. Listen to music and watch movies – anything that can make you happier.
Start Your Business and Earn Your First Million: At this stage, you are very different from the common vagrant at the beginning of the game. Now you have enough money to start a business on a large scale and earn a lot of money.
Become a President: This is the last stage of your career achievement. If you have overcome the challenges with the previous levels, then your final task is to become a president. This will signify the peak of your achievement. You have to become the president before you die of old age.
Last Words
From Zero to Hero is a life simulation game that teaches you how to be successful despite having nothing. If you are at your wit’s end about life, then you should play this game to be encouraged about moving on and having a purpose.