Download the Reports+ Follower Analytics App APK and get a thorough and efficient evaluation of your Instagram account every week. You can now grow your account with ease.
As an Instagram user, have you ever really wanted to find out which of your friends on the app follows you back or which of your has you blocked? Well, now you can work with the Reports+ Follower Analytics app. Ever since the game was released in 2017, a large amount of Instagram users have used the Reports+ app to get a thorough analysis of their accounts. The daily analysis shows which of your followers unfollowed your account, when they unfollowed you, which of your followers interacted with your account and much more.
An Instagram follower analytics app might not seem like a necessary tool to a normal user. However, businesses, celebrities and important content creators may require an analysis of their followers’ interaction with their accounts. This way, they might know who their true fans are or how to properly satisfy their followers. Each report is given once a week and is structured in a manner that is easy for users to comprehend.
Why Choose Reports+ App?
Report+ app gives users the exact information they need concerning their account and follower base. Thus, Instagram users can stay in touch with activities and interactions connected to their pages. If you are still wondering why the Reports+ app is useful well, here are some of the reasons:
Follower Tracking Feature
As already stated, the Reports+ app informs you of your followers’ interactions with your page. You can know when you get new followers or when you lose followers. The app also analyses which of your users interacted with your account the most and which followers like and forwards your posts or stories. Not only this, but the analysis also shows which of your followers have followed you the longest and the followers that do not interact with your page very often.
The app even takes it a step further and shows you which people you follow do not follow your account back. Reports+ app provides more than sufficient detail for you to work with.
Evaluation of your activities
Your interaction with followers is also very essential. To grow your fan base, it is important to be aware of your follower’s responses to your posts. The app evaluates the replies you get from your posts on Instagram, the number of likes you get on each post and the rate at which you interact with followers.
Post Performance Analysis
You can also tell which of the followers of your posts interact with the most and which they interact with least. This evaluation hints at the type of content your followers expect from you. Posts and stories followers like and comment on the most are shown in the evaluation, and the posts and stories that were not liked or commented on the most.
Discover your closest friends on Instagram
Beyond your followers who like or comment on your posts on Instagram, the Reports+ app also lets you know which posts the best comments, sends you direct messages the most and even followers who get your responses more. From the information gathered, the app can then show you which of your followers are your “best friends” on the app. This only shows how thorough the Reports+ app can get to give you the best follower analysis experience.
Evaluation of your most dedicated followers
Another interesting feature this follower analysis tool offers is that you can determine how the length of time it takes your followers to like your posts and stories. It informs you of your most dedicated followers looking out for your Instagram posts.
Strategic Post Scheduling
Along with follower and post evaluation, the app also utilises the statistics of previous posts- the times and responses from followers- to approximate the perfect time to post content and upload stories. This means that during important events or particular periods, the app suggests what period or time zone is best to make posts on Instagram. In doing so, the app optimises your content and enables you to get as many likes as possible, thereby growing your account.
Easy to understand user interface
Quite unlike many analytical applications, the Reports+ app features a basic user interface that allows users to easily use the application. The app's weekly analyses come in a simple format with easy-to-understand language. You don’t have to worry about unnecessary complications while utilising the analysis app, which is why it greatly stands out from other apps of this type.
Report+ Premium
You can upgrade your account to a premium account to get access to even more amazing features. The premium account comes with a periodical subscription. Therefore, you get more analytical information from the Reports+ Premium weekly for an even better user experience. Premium subscribers can make weekly subscriptions at $2.99 or monthly subscriptions at $3.99. In addition, you can subscribe to the Reports+ Premium for half a year at $17.99 or even for the rest of the year at $23.99.
Subscription payments are made via the Play Store app with your accounts, and the periodic payments are automatic. However, you can very easily cancel automatic payments for that period. Of course, charges will apply when you cancel a payment 24 hours before your subscription period elapses.
Final Thoughts
Instagram is one of the most used social media platforms on the planet. The Reports+ is the best tool to effectively manage your Instagram account. Each analysis the app offers gives you an idea of how to grow your fan base within a short period. As a result, your content can reach a broader audience and give you the desired results if properly utilised.